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Image by Suzy Brooks

Be skeptical of a government’s reasoning for going to war
-posted June 2022

Historical evidence demands that one be sceptical of a government’s reasoning for going to war, as a number of False Flag Wars have been uncovered in the modern era. Although the internet age has made it more difficult for governments to hide information, it is easier to disseminate misinformation to sway the public and lawmakers to justify their wars. It is also a fact that foreign governments and agencies often interfere in the power structure of other governments for ideological or financial reasons.


The 20th century saw the end of 600 years of colonialism and imperialism- World War 1 (1914-1918) saw the dissolution of the Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian and Russian Empires, and decolonialism progressed rapidly with numerous wars of independence following World War 2 (1939-1945). This power vacuum was filled by an ideological war between Soviet ‘communism’ and United States ‘democracy’ which stoked numerous conflicts via overt and secret interventions in foreign governments. The costs have been horrendous- millions of deaths, hundreds of millions forced emigrations, trillions dollars in cost, multi-generational mental health damage and increased tribalism.

Map USA and Russia interference with foreign governments
Map USA and Russia reasons for government interference


Eisenhower's 1961 farewell address gives a possible answer- “…We have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions…total influence—economic, political, even spiritual—is felt in every city, every Statehouse, every office of the Federal government…Yet, we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications…we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defence with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.”

Recent events not only raises the question of military-industrial complex influences, but also human flaws- greed and a dying man’s legacy;

  • Event- US President Trump (2017-2021) Saudi Arabia arms deal worth $350 billion

Legacy Media- Why (Greed)- Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner received a $2 billion kickback to his private equity firm

Real Reason- Why (Gratefulness for expediting peace to region)- Jared is an honourable, articulate, very smart fellow, and if I had a spare $2bn I also would invest in his firm.

  • Event- Russian President Putin invasion of Georgia and Ukraine

Legacy Media- Why (A dying man’s legacy)- trying to recreate USSR by forcefully bringing back independent republics

Real Reason- Why - the Western nations did not disband NATO and in fact continued to encroach upon Russia's borders with UN memberships and weapons mobilisations. This does not excuse the invasion but the West had been warned.

  • Event- US President Bush (1989-1993) & Bush Jr (2001-2009) false flag wars into Iraq

Why (military-industrial complex)- majority of $5 trillion went to contractors and arms manufacturers

False Flag Wars

List False Flag wars in the 20th century

Foreign Government Interference

Taiwan (Province of China)- So knowing some of the history of war and foreign government interference we can take a look around today and see where the next flashpoint may arise. The next candidate appears to be Taiwan.

Taiwan history and status as a country

It has been reported that China has set a 2049 deadline for the reunification of Taiwan with Mainland China, which is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the PRC. So, we still have a whole generation to sort this situation out, and diplomacy is always the best solution.

However, tensions are rising as China increases its military build-up and USA’s rhetoric of ‘military intervention into Taiwan if China invades’ is becoming a ‘marketing slogan’ favoured by the media press. The only beneficiaries of rising tensions and an actual war would be the usual suspects- the weapons manufacturers. It is no surprise that the experts predicting an invasion are all (ex-) military personnel- they have skin in the game (a vested interest). Since 2001 USA has sold $49.3 billion of weapons to Taiwan- note that 37% of this was during Trump’s 4 year term. One could argue that the divisive figure of Trump has increased tensions further in a bid to make a profit, oblivious of the fallout (as usual).


Weapons manufacturers are profiting; however, all of this may be smoke and mirrors as this is not an ideological fight, the prize is semiconductor chips. The Taiwanese company TSMC produces 92% of the global output of semiconductor chips, as such US technology leadership and consequently its military is threatened if China moves on Taiwan. From the table below it can be seen that mergers and acquisitions of chip firms has been heating up and governments are intervening to block those transactions that may impact local expertise or supply.

Mergers & Acquisitions semiconductor chip manufacturers 2014-2022

USA- TSMC are building a $12 billion plant in Arizona, which is expected to start production in 2024. Intel plans a $20 billion expansion of its Arizona facility.


China- more than 350,000 businesses operating in the semiconductor sector, 80% of which were registered within the last five years, including some well-known companies; Alibaba, Baidu, Gree, Haier, Huawei, Midea, Oppo, TCL and Xiaomi.


It is likely that once US and China have large-scale, local (secure) semiconductor chips manufacturing, tensions surrounding Taiwan will ease and normal diplomatic relations will reassert itself. In the meantime, it is important that the military industrial complex does not muddy the waters further in creating a ‘caricature enemy’ via think tanks and military experts, fuelling tensions in order to sell more weapons. If some conservative politician is committed to war than I suggest placing him/her and their children at the front line before dragging the rest of us into another pointless war.

Skeptical WAR
Nuclear weapons

Nuclear Weapons Testing
-posted August 2022

Most of us are aware of the x2 US nuclear bombs dropped on Japan in 1945, which was justified as a necessary means to bring about unconditional surrender to end World War 2. The options at the time were to either drop these atomic bombs in an uninhabited area, on a military target, or on civilians- the decision was to annihilate the cities of Hiroshima & Nagasaki and kill 150,000 Japanese civilians. The 16 kiloton and 21 kiloton explosions were the biggest man-made explosions in history. It was a success in terms of ending the war, but also had the experimental bonus of testing nuclear radiation on a broad human population.


The immoral use of indiscriminate weapons on civilians, the devastating horror and fallout, and potential future nuclear wars was not enough to deter the manufacture and proliferation of such weapons. Since 1945 over 2,000 nuclear tests have been carried out as atmospheric and underground explosions in ever increasing sizes. Nuclear weapons evolved into thermonuclear weapons with yields of over 50,000+ kilotons, 3,000 times more powerful than the bombs used in Japan. The blast diameter of total destruction increased from 1.6km to >55km, and the fire storms/3rd degree burns increased from 3.2km to 100km. If deployed it has the capability of utterly destroying any city on earth.

Number of Nuclear Test versus NuclearExplosion Size (kilotons)
World map nuclear testing by size (kilotons)

Source- Wikipedia, NSS, web archive

AustraliaIn the 1950s Australia was a popular destination for UK migrants, tourists, and fissile material. In true colonial fashion the United Kingdom chose a distant colony (Australia) to test a weapon of relatively unknown yield, blast damage, radioactive fallout and long term health consequences.


As an Australian I knew that in the 1950s the UK carried out nuclear atmospheric explosion tests in the outback of South Australia but was surprised to learn that x9 tests were carried out, and that a further x3 tests were carried out 80km off the coast of Western Australia. Within a 200km radius of the WA tests lie the towns of Onslow, Pannawonica, Dampier, Karratha, Roebourne and others. The UK handling of all the WA tests was a series of comical errors leading to radioactive fallout over mainland Australia that was detected across the north of Australia to Queensland (Brisbane, Mount Isa, Julia Creek, Longreach and Rockhampton). People living downwind in Port Hedland were contaminated, and currently receive slightly elevated average annual radiation dose per person- I have been to Port Hedland and this is not common knowledge. A Royal Commission into these British Nuclear Tests calculated that the radiation fallout over the Australian population averaged 70 microSieverts…considering the lack of monitoring equipment and crude measurement methods the actual exposure is probably much greater than 70 microSieverts. At this time the military were regularly exposing their personnel to radiation for experimental purposes, it is not imperceivable that the contamination of the Australian population was seen as a good opportunity to gather data of radiation exposure over time.

Australia nuclear test sites (1952-1957)
Radioactive fallout trajectory_Hurricane Totem Projects (Australia)
Radioactive fallout trajectory_Mosaic Antler Projects (Australia)
Radioactive fallout trajectory_Buffalo Projects (Australia)
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