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Image by Pavan Trikutam

Mobile SIM Plans (Australia)- lowest to highest price
-posted May 2022

There are (too) many mobile SIM plans on offer by a multitude of companies, which is confusing and can lead to apathy of staying with one mobile provider for years without checking competitor plans. 

Some providers have tried differentiating themselves by offering carbon neutral plans. One can also choose a provider that is locally (Australian) owned and avoid the foreign multinational companies. My choice was a local company using the Telstra network which enables me to rollover the data.

I have summarised the plans available in Australia and sorted them in order of price (calculated over a 12 month period), from $78 to $1400 per year. You may be able to negotiate with your provider a competitive price by bundling your family phones & internet plans.

Australia mobile SIM plans list sorted by price
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