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Forest Fire

Caution- They Are Coming For Your Kids
-posted August 2024

​​​​​​​'Woke Ideology' ('Political Correctness' version 2.0) There have been a few notable instances in the 20th century where KIDS have been used to help undermine existing social structures and ideologies. By indoctrinating the younger generation the competing ideologues have been able to inculcate their own ideologies within an army of innocents, effectively tearing apart families, culture and society with incalculable costs across generations.

Germany [World War 2, 1939-1945]- The Hitler Youth & the League of German Girls were modelled after the Nazi paramilitary and introduced children to Nazi ideology and policy. The Nazis came to power in 1933. By 1940 the Hitler Youth membership had risen to 7.2 million (82% of the youth population). Nazifing German society was aimed at dismantling existing social structures and traditions to impose conformity. The group indoctrinated children at their most impressionable and removed them from the influence of their parents. Members of the Hitler Youth even denounced their parents when they behaved in ways not approved of by the Reich. Members of the Hitler Youth were encouraged to report what was happening in their schools, churches, and families to their leaders. Nazi Party viewed young people as future party members, mothers, and soldiers. They hoped to teach children to be both racially conscious and physically fit in order to build a new future for Germany. The result was; Germany lost one quarter of its territory, 20% of the German population became refugees, 60 million died, cost of $4 trillion.

China [Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976]- Mao launched the Cultural Revolution and claimed that bourgeois elements had infiltrated the government and society with the aim of restoring capitalism. Mao called on young people to bombard the headquarters, and proclaimed that "to rebel is justified". Many young people responded by forming the Red Guards. Red Guards sought to destroy the Four Olds (old ideas, old culture, old customs, and old habits)- destroying historical artifacts, cultural and religious sites. Libraries of historical and foreign texts were destroyed; books were burned. Temples, churches, mosques, monasteries, and cemeteries were closed and sometimes converted to other uses or looted and destroyed.
Children were called upon to educate their parents whose minds had been corrupted by “feudalism,” and children were encouraged to disown parents if they found their parents were disloyal to the state. Struggle sessions conducted by Red Guards were violent public spectacles where people accused of being "class enemies" were publicly humiliated, accused, beaten and tortured. Struggle sessions were usually conducted at the workplace, classrooms and auditoriums where students were pitted against their teachers, friends and spouses were pressured to betray one another, and children were manipulated into exposing their parentsThe result was; up to 10 million died, tens of millions were persecuted, 200 million starved, cultural sites and icons destroyed.


Russia [Civil War (1917-1923) and Self-criticism (1921-1924)]- After the Russian Civil War the Lenin government introduced a semi-capitalist economic policy to stabilise Russia's floundering economy. This introduced a new social policy of moderation and discipline, especially regarding Soviet youth. Lenin himself stressed the importance of political education of young Soviet citizens in building a new society. The All-Union Leninist Young Communist League (Komsomol) was a political youth organization established in 1918. By 1925 membership was nominally voluntary, however those who failed to join had no access to officially sponsored holidays and found it very difficult to pursue higher education. The Komsomol played an important role as a mechanism for teaching the values to the younger generation, and it served as a mobile pool of labour and political activism. By the 1970s Komsomol membership had reached 40 million. The concept of politically enforced "criticism and self-criticism" originated during the 1921 to 1924 purges of academia within the Soviet Union. This would eventually develop into campaigns in which intellectuals suspected of possessing counter-revolutionary tendencies were publicly interrogated as part of a policy of "proletariatisation." Children were sometimes encouraged or coerced by authorities to report on their parents or relatives if they were suspected of being disloyal to the state or engaging in activities deemed counter to the Communist regimeThe result was; the Russian Civil war killed 10 million people. Komsomol generated low level of trust, youth relatively politically unaware or uninterested, women unprepared for the realities of the workforce and the act of empowerment worsened their self-perceptions. Centralised planning was inefficient and stunted the economy.

TODAY- [Modern Culture War or Woke ideology indoctrination]
The current culture war began at college campuses in the 1960s with those graduates spreading Marxist-Leninist vocabulary of “Political Correctness” in relation to race, gender, culture or sexual orientation to all institutions. This all settled down in the late 20th century as Western society evolved into a relatively stable meritocratic system. However, since the popularisation of social media in 2004 “Woke Ideology” has appeared as a warped, “juiced up” version 2.0 of “Political Correctness”.

Woke ideology appears to be on the warpath to sever all ties to family, institutions, religion and society, in order to “burn it all down”. The goal is to reduce society to individuals, individuals that will find meaning in the only ideology that remains standing- Woke ideology. The most obvious targets are kids which can be influenced 24 hours a day via their digital screens. A wide variety of social movements have been coopted to also exploit the victim class. These social groups include LGBTQ (victim- trans), Feminism (victim- female), immigration (victim- migrant), Social Class (victim- poor), Black Lives Matter (victim- black), Climate Change (victim- all), etc.

Western democratic societies appear to be the most vulnerable, due to the prevalence of screens, social media influence and a divisive media. The woke agendas are ever present, however the silent majority are becoming aware of the extreme liberal policies set on destroying the very fabric of society. Many of the childless activists are content in damaging kids in pursuit of their chaotic goals. Kids are being damaged in the following ways;


















A former KGB agent named Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov claimed in 1984 that Russia has a long-term goal of ideologically subverting the U.S. The plan is to undermine the psyche of the American public through psychological warfare (or ideological subversion) and demoralisation. Ideological subversion was defined by Bezmenov as “to change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that despite of the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country.”

Plan of a great brainwashing;
(1) “demoralization”- re-educate one generation of students (1960s hippies influenced by Marxist-Leninist values coming to positions of power in the 1980s)
(2) “destabilization”- targeting of essential structural elements of a nation: economy, foreign relations, and defense systems
(3) “crisis”- bring “a violent change of power, structure, and economy”
(4) “normalization”- country is basically taken over, living under a new ideology and reality.

This will happen to America unless it gets rid of people who will bring it to a crisis, warned Bezmenov. What’s more if people fail to grasp the impending danger of that development, nothing can help the United States, adding, “You may kiss goodbye to your freedom.” Bezmenov’s warning of the woke ideology was not heeded by the Baby Boomer generation. The Marxist-Leninist vocabulary of “Political Correctness” in relation to race, gender, culture or sexual orientation washed through society from 1970 to the 1990s. Since the popularisation of social media in 2004 “Political Correctness” version 2.0: “Woke Ideology” has firmly entrenched itself into society.

Social media algorithms have been optimised to maximise screen time by promoting topical and divisive subject matter. A byproduct of this has been social isolation, depression, anxiety, procrastination, sleep disruption, sedentary lifestyle, addiction, low self-esteem, self-image issues and kids vulnerable to cyberbullying and peer pressure. Under the influence of government ideology and vocal minority groups social media been used as a tool to censor, cancel, shape social thought, and unite extremist activists.

Kids membership to Woke Ideology is automatic upon setting up a social media account, the playbooks of communist and fascist indoctrination is enforced by peer pressure leading to conformity and virtue signalling. Any resistance is targeted by their peers in the form of public shaming, equivalent to the Chinese “struggle sessions” and Soviet "criticism and self-criticism". Kids have been taught to be racially and sexually conscious. Parental influence has been bypassed by a screen.


By attacking the very foundation of society (democracy and family) the WOKE are drafting kids as foot soldiers in their ideological war. Wokeness conformity is altering the language, and all thought and speech is filtered to conform with this ideology. A lack of adherence leads to cancellation and censorship. The impact of this is leading to a teenage mental health crisis. Bari Weiss has summarised this as:


“Persuasion is replaced with public shaming. Forgiveness is replaced with punishment. Mercy is replaced with vengeance. Pluralism with conformity; debate with de-platforming; facts with feelings; ideas with identity.”​

A4 Table.png
A5 Table.png
Stained Glass

Religion in Australia
-posted June 2022

Religion Australia

Australia is losing its Christian identity in favour of secularism. In fact, current trends show that ‘no religion’ will be the dominant religion in Australia by 2026, and by the 2046 census only a minority of the population will identify as Christian.


The community profile of Australia is measured every 5 years by a census, whereupon the population can be defined by age, education, ethnicity, household, size, vocation, and religion. The Australian population since 1891 of 3 million (95% Christians, 1% no religion) has steadily increased to 25 million (44% Christianity, 39% no religion) in 2021.

Australia Population & religion (1891-2021)
Australian Population versus religion (1891-2021)



  1. When life is good religion not required- Researcher Gregory Paul identifies the US as the only prosperous democracy where religion is popular, and among prosperous democracies is the most socially dysfunctional, with the high(est) rates of; murder, juvenile mortality, abortion, sexually transmitted diseases, teen pregnancy and the shortest life spans. Religion is a psychological mechanism for coping with high levels of stress and anxiety produced by dysfunctional social and economic environments. Other researchers attest to the more substantial explanatory power of the social inequality variables of education, income, and race- the US has a high degree of social inequality compared with other modern industrialised democracies.

  2. Trust in Authority is low
    Government- poor performances, scandals a
    nd corruption, politicians acting in their own self-interests and generating divisiveness.
    Religion- Lack of credibility as significant levels of sexual abuse of children has come to light by priests and members of the Catholic Church which have not been reported, denied, and covered up at the highest levels of the Church. Google’s Ngram Viewer of published books shows that reference to these types of abuse trended up from the 1960s, reaching a high level from the year 2000. How can people trust an institution that holds itself as the moral compass of society only to commit the most heinous of crimes against the most innocent and vulnerable of society, and then to deny and hide these abuses.​

Google NGRAM- word trend in published books from 1800 to 2021

What to do?

If religion only pertains to less than half of the population, perhaps it is time to reassess the Church’s position in our society and readdress their privileges;

  1. Redirect private school funding to public schools and introduce critical thinking to the curriculum

  2. Remove Church tax exemptions, including: income tax, GST, FBT, payroll tax, council rates, state government taxes, land tax, and local government taxes.

  3. Remove religion exemptions from anti-discriminations laws and other statutes.

Dog Walker

Dog Attacks / Bites- Australia & US
-posted June 2022

Dog Bites

In Australia there is no national database of dog attacks/bites. NSW is the only state that has attempted to compile this information from the various local government councils and identify the dog breeds responsible. The graph below shows the main dog breeds reported as attacking people from 2018-2021. The Staffordshire Terrier (American & Bull) breed has been identified as responsible for most of the attacks on people.

NSW australia dog attacks on people by breed

USA actually does have a useable national database, compiled by the CDC, of patients presenting to the Emergency Department (ED) with dog bites, while the ASPS tables annual reconstructive surgery of dog-bite victims.

  • The CDC calculates that at least 4.5 million people in the US are bitten by dogs each year with more than 800,000 requiring medical attention.

  • 1% of all ED injuries were due to dog bite injuries, doesn’t sound like much but from 2001-2020 this represents 6,747,737 people attacked by dogs with injuries requiring going to the hospital emergency department.

  • The ASPS reports that 30,000 to 50,000 dog-bite reconstructive surgeries are carried out each year in the US. Of particular note is that the last 2 years of reported data seems to indicate a 70% increase in patients requiring reconstructive surgery- either a particularly aggressive dog breed is becoming trendy to own, or the ASPS changed their definitions which incorporates new data or accessing new sources of information.

USA number of dog bites emergency department visits and reconstructive surgery (2000-2020)

From 2000-2019 the number of dog ownerships rose from 68m to 90 million, over the same period insurance liability payouts have risen from $300m to $900 million (the number of claims is about 16,000 claims per year, however the payouts have tripled!). This suggests lawyers are cashing in on this phenomenon and insurance premiums will obviously increase in response.

Dog Bite- Liability.png

Insurance Information Institute, State Farm


The CDC also lists cause of deaths annually- from 2000 to 2020 the number of dogs killing people is 707. It is a low number relative to the number of dog attacks, however 1/3 of the fatalities are children (0-14yo). As a parent one wants to minimise risks to kids and when you see the online injury photos of devastating bites/tears the thought is to keep control/sterilise some of these breeds. In Australia some breeds are banned, however in US no federal bans on certain breeds, this appears to be done only on a state/city level.

USA dog breeds that killed people (2000-2020)
USA deaths by dog (2000-2020)

What to do?- business as usual does not seem an appropriate response for our most vulnerable in society, particularly as we can mitigate the risks. One can do the following;

  1. ban certain breeds that have been bred for aggressiveness, have impulse control issues, and known to attack people

  2. muzzle top 5 aggressive breeds in public and when non-family members interact with the dog

  3. sterilise certain breeds

  4. owner and child education of animal behaviours is an option (but no victim blaming)

  5. national databases required to generate useful data and discussions

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