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Australia Road Safety- TESLA can be the answer; build a Gigafactory here and bring on the subsidies

With the introduction of motor vehicle safety technologies such as seatbelts and airbags etc fatalities have been consistently on the decline. If one extends the trendline The Australian National Road Safety Strategy 2021-2030 Safe System Principles of; zero deaths and serious injuries by 2050 & reduce the rate of deaths by at least 50% and rate of severe injuries by at least 30% within 10 years will be met. However, the question is:

“will existing costly TANRSS strategies produce this result, or is the decline in fatalities primarily due to safety technologies in motor vehicles?”

I would posit that existing strategies will not achieve zero deaths and serious injuries…with no logical plan in place this is a ridiculous unachievable strategy. The only way this could be achieved would be for a new safety technology that would displace older existing vehicles- fully autonomous vehicles is the only realistic strategy. With a 2050 target of zero I would hazard a guess that those that have designed TANRSS have factored in autonomous vehicles but wish to continue existing strategies, taking advantage of government largesse. The Australian Government is investing $33.4 billion over 4 years from 2020-21 to improve safety on Australian roads– this appears to be a cash grab of public (taxpayers) monies into private hands, rather than providing 21st century solutions.

The number of registered motor vehicles on the road since 1980 has increased 83% to 19.8 million, with an associated 71.8% increase in vehicle kilometres to 245.9 billion kilometres. More cars on the road have increased the probability of vehicle accidents- this is reflected in the rise of hospitalised injuries since 1996. As these injuries are increasing it is newer vehicles and safety technologies that are reducing fatalities.

What to Do? Fully autonomous vehicle strategy- create bipartisan support and legislation to speed up the process for the following;

  • Entice Elon to build a $1.5 billion TESLA Gigafactory in Australia (match Elon’s investment $ for $)

  • Provide tax incentives to create attractive business proposal for TESLA shareholders

  • Locate and acquire land for the Gigafactory- offer to Elon with all environmental, Native Title, local authority etc clearances

  • Ensure easy access to PORT and RAIL with up-to-date facilities

  • Develop technology scholarships and build technology hub/university that produces tech savvy workforce for the Gigafactory

  • Provide subsidies and remove stamp duties of TESLA vehicles

  • Upgrade road infrastructure to enable safer autonomous vehicle navigation

  • Cash up CSIRO for battery/energy research

  • Speedup discovery and development of mines focussed on battery minerals

The outcome of this 21st century approach may include;

  • Zero road fatalities and serious injury

  • High value jobs

  • Technology hub (attract talent and develop our own expertise)

  • Lower carbon emissions

  • Envy of the world with our road safety outcome and technology hub

  • Attract other technological manufacturers and research

In summary- the conservative Liberal government and their unholy alliance with the National Party (group of farmers in Queensland) are willing to spend $8 billion per year on road safety to save maybe 50-100 lives per year. However, this alliance is reluctant to recognise Climate Change and spend 1 red cent towards saving 26 million Australian’s futures. This fully autonomous vehicle strategy cost is only a fraction of the road safety spend by the Australian Government, will not only be more effective in reducing fatalities and injuries but will give Australians a means to support local business with their new car purchases, reduce household energy costs, reduce carbon footprint, etc. This is a better solution than a few new roundabouts, roadside barriers or rumble strips.

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